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Wishing to support a particular charity

This reason shows itself to be one of the main reasons for fundraising. It could be that the individual knows of the activities of the charity, has had personal previous dealings with the charity and this motivates them to fundraise for the charity.

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Being inspired by another individual or group of people

This could be a parent, child, sibling, family member, colleague or another you have a personal connection with that drives you to fundraise for a charity that they have a connection with. This can be a strong motivating factor for people to fundraise.

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Supporting a Cause

Personal passions can be a strong driving force behind fundraising. People seek out charities that are aligned to their personal passions.

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Fundraising makes you feel good

Undertaking fundraising that can help others and make a difference can be a key motivator for those who wish to fundraise.

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Opportunity to take part in an event

Personal challenges can be a driver for fundraising. Taking part in a triathlon, marathon, swimming the Channel, trekking Everest are great personal challenges and individuals wish to recognise these challenges by fundraising!

These stories are shared to honor those battling oesophago-gastric cancer, celebrate survivors and remember those we have lost. We hope that they reflect the diversity of people affected by Oesophago-Gastric cancers.

I was 51 years old and I had just completed a job for the Scout association in Crawfordsburn. After this I found myself having some discomfort when eating and thought I had pushed myself too far and developed a hiatus hernia.
I was 51 years old and I had just completed a job for the Scout association in Crawfordsburn. After this I found myself having some discomfort when eating and thought I had pushed myself too far and developed a hiatus hernia.

Fundraising events & ideas

There are a variety of organisations throughout Northern Ireland, the UK and worldwide that arrange a spectrum of different events at many different levels of both physical and mental exertion. Below is a random selection of organisations that you could provide inspiration for events or personal challenges that you may wish to take part in. This list is not exhaustive and please remember to consider your own physical and mental abilities before pursuing any challenges.

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Run a marathon

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Join a co-cycle or other events

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Host a big breakfast

Early Diagnosis is Key #CatchItEarly

Oesophageal cancer like many other cancers does not discriminate between age or sex and knowing and recognising the signs and symptoms are crucial to early diagnosis.  If you suffer from any of the following symptoms for longer than 3 weeks you should consult your doctor.

  • Persistent Indigestion
  • Difficulty swallowing or food sticking
  • Heartburn acid reflux
  • Hiccupping that wont go away
  • Unexplained weight loss.

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The Association of British Insurers – advice and guidance on obtaining travel insurance

As you may be aware, we have been involved in lots of discussions around cancer patients and their ‘Right to be Forgotten’ when it comes to accessing some financial services....

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Winter Newsletter 2024 online now

Our final newsletter of 2024 is now available online and via our social channels. Due to circumstances beyond our control, there will be a slight delay in hard copies being...

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Ministerial responses to Stewart Dickson’s questions on OG cancers

Our Trustee, Stewart Dickson MLA, recently submitted two questions to Health Minister Mike Nesbitt in relation to OG cancers here in Northern Ireland. The first was regarding current funding for...

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