Your personal information

You may give us your personal information directly, through making a donation, signing up to an event or when you communicate with us by post or telephone. Sometimes when you support us, your information is collected by an organisation working on our behalf, such as a professional fundraising agency. In these circumstances, they only process your personal information in line with our instructions and we are responsible for your information at all times.

You may give us your personal information indirectly, through independent event organisers, such as the Virgin Money London Marathon, or on fundraising websites such as Just Giving, Virgin Money Giving or Charities Aid Foundation. These independent third parties will only do so when you have indicated that you wish to support OGCancerNI with your consent. You should check their Privacy Policy to understand how they will process your information. We will not contact you without explicit permission given by you on these sites.

When we ask for your personal information, we give you the option to opt out of communications via post, telephone (which includes text message) and email.

In some cases, we may use information in the public domain to support our fundraising purposes. It should be noted that GDPR does not apply to information already in the public domain such as Companies House data and that any information collected is done so in a manner that is adherent to data protection regulations.

What we do with it

We do not give or sell your personal information to any other organisations, except those that are employed directly by us to raise funds or manage fundraising events for us. If you make a donation to OGCancerNI, sign up to an event or sign up to receive communications from us, we will normally collect your name and contact details. We will retain your bank account information if you are making a regular donation. We may also keep other information that you have given us, such as your date of birth, to enable us to build a better profile and understanding of our donors and help to identify potential new supporters. If you are taking part in a sporting or challenge event, we may also keep your emergency contact details for that purpose only and for the duration of the event.

Why we need it

We use this information to thank you for supporting us and to provide you with further information about our activities according to your consent preferences and interests. We also use it to fulfil our legal responsibilities for financial and Gift Aid reporting, to administer our events and to enable us to process your donations.

How long we keep it

We will hold your information for only as long as is necessary to the end of your relationship with us and in accordance with our data retention policy.

Updates to this policy

We may update this policy from time to time to reflect changes in how we use your information. You may wish to check this policy each time you provide your information to OGCancerNI. In certain circumstances and, if there are significant changes to the policy, we will notify you.

For Members

Your personal information

You may give us your personal information directly, through making a donation, signing up to an event or when you communicate with us by post or telephone. Sometimes when you support us, your information is collected by an organisation working on our behalf, such as a professional fundraising agency. In these circumstances, they only process your personal information in line with our instructions and we are responsible for your information at all times.

You may give us your personal information indirectly, through independent event organisers, such as the Virgin Money London Marathon, or on fundraising websites such as Just Giving, Virgin Money Giving or Charities Aid Foundation. These independent third parties will only do so when you have indicated that you wish to support OGCancerNI with your consent. You should check their Privacy Policy to understand how they will process your information. We will not contact you without explicit permission given by you on these sites.

When we ask for your personal information, we give you the option to opt out of communications via post, telephone (which includes text message) and email.

In some cases, we may use information in the public domain to support our fundraising purposes. It should be noted that GDPR does not apply to information already in the public domain such as Companies House data and that any information collected is done so in a manner that is adherent to data protection regulations.

What we do with it

We do not give or sell your personal information to any other organisations, except those that are employed directly by us to raise funds or manage fundraising events for us. If you make a donation to OGCancerNI, sign up to an event or sign up to receive communications from us, we will normally collect your name and contact details. We will retain your bank account information if you are making a regular donation. We may also keep other information that you have given us, such as your date of birth, to enable us to build a better profile and understanding of our donors and help to identify potential new supporters. If you are taking part in a sporting or challenge event, we may also keep your emergency contact details for that purpose only and for the duration of the event.

Why we need it

We use this information to thank you for supporting us and to provide you with further information about our activities according to your consent preferences and interests. We also use it to fulfil our legal responsibilities for financial and Gift Aid reporting, to administer our events and to enable us to process your donations.

How long we keep it

We will hold your information for only as long as is necessary to the end of your relationship with us and in accordance with our data retention policy.

For Carers

Your personal information

We process and hold personal information that is needed by us to run the operations of the charity and for which there is a valid lawful basis. If your family is receiving support from us, we may need to obtain up-to-date medical and social care information in order to provide a safe and effective service, in the best interest of the person.

We do not share information sensitive or confidential health information without your consent unless under legal obligation. We will only share information after families have signed a “consent to share” form at the start of delivery service, which details the circumstances in which we may share information.

In certain circumstances, we receive and will share personal information with other professional organisations, such as hospitals, GPs, community nursing teams, Local Authorities and schools.

How we collect your personal data

We obtain personal information from you when a referral is made to us and when we undertake an initial assessment to agree a family plan with you. We may also obtain personal information about you from other professionals involved in your relative’s care.

How we process your personal information

We may use your personal information for:

  • Providing you with services or information that you have requested
  • Keeping a record of our communications with you
  • Complying with our legal obligations, policies and procedures.

Data profiling and data appending

We may use personal information for analysis and profiling to help us to understand family needs. On occasion we may also make use of publicly available demographic information. We will only use data collected in this manner for the purposes to which you have consented.


We will not sell or share personal details with any third party for the purposes of their own marketing.

We may disclose your personal information to third parties if we are obliged to by law or the disclosure is necessary for the purposes of national security or criminal investigation or if we have your consent.

How we protect your personal information

We adopt appropriate data collection, storage and processing practices and security measures to protect against unauthorised access, alteration, disclosure or destruction of your personal data stored on our database, systems or mobile devices including telephone numbers and photographs.

Where we store your information

All the information that you provide to us or which is shared with us is stored on our secure database and on mobile phones.

How long we keep it

We retain your personal information in line with guidance from the Local Authority.

Website, Social Media & Email

Our website uses cookies to ensure visitors get the best experience on our website as well as to provide information on how our site is being used, which enables us to enhance the online experience. For example, cookies may tell us whether you are visiting our site for the first time or returning. Some cookies are necessary to allow visitors to move around the website and use its features, such as shopping baskets, or some collect information about performance and others allow for functionality like remembering language choices and passwords and there are also cookies that allow targeting or advertising based on browsing habits.

You have the right to choose whether to accept these cookies and can indicate to do so by choosing your cookie preferences within your browser settings. The help menu in the toolbar will tell you how to manage these, including how to have your browser notify you when you receive a new cookie, and how to disable them all together.

You can read more about cookies here.

We might also obtain your personal data through your use of social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and others, depending on your settings or the privacy policies of these services. To change your settings on these services, please refer to their privacy notices, which will tell you how to do this.

We use a third-party email service provider, Mailchimp, to deliver our supporter emails. We collect statistics around email opening and clicks using industry standard technologies to help us monitor and improve our communications. For more information, Mailchimp’s privacy policy.

We may use your email address and phone number to match to your account on Facebook or other social media sites in order to show you OGCancerNI content while you are using these services. We will only do this where you have opted in to our marketing emails or phone calls, and your personal data is kept secure at all times. We may also use your email address and phone number to link to Facebook or other social media sites in order to identify other users of these sites whom we believe would be interested in OGCancerNI, and we may then show them our content.

Early Diagnosis is Key #CatchItEarly

Oesophageal cancer like many other cancers does not discriminate between age or sex and knowing and recognising the signs and symptoms are crucial to early diagnosis.  If you suffer from any of the following symptoms for longer than 3 weeks you should consult your doctor.

  • Persistent Indigestion
  • Difficulty swallowing or food sticking
  • Heartburn acid reflux
  • Hiccupping that wont go away
  • Unexplained weight loss.

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Hilary’s Story

Hilary Bell from Ballyclare was first diagnosed with oesophageal cancer at the age of 46. Over the past two years, Hilary has been on a emotional and physical rollercoaster, but...

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OGCancerNI Spring 2025 Newsletter

OGCancerNI are pleased to release our Spring 2025 Newsletter. Looking forward to seeing you at our up and coming events!

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The Association of British Insurers – advice and guidance on obtaining travel insurance

As you may be aware, we have been involved in lots of discussions around cancer patients and their ‘Right to be Forgotten’ when it comes to accessing some financial services....

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